In CSS Documentation Value/Data Types are often written in angle brackets ’<>’ this doesn’t mean that they are html elements it just gives a distinction between a css property and a data type


Numeric Data Types

  • Number based values
  • used with or without units to define different styles

Integer Data Type

Whole number that can be negative or positive

Number Data Type

A whole number or fraction with decimals

Percentage Data type

A fraction of another value (usually a parent or ancestor element) that uses a <number> with a percentage unit

Dimension Data type

Is a number value with a unit

Represents data types such as <time> <resolution> <length> and more

<time> 12s, 5.5ms
<resolution> 96dpi, 3dppx
<length> 100px, 20vw

Length Data type

is used to define a distance value


Fixed units based on physical measurements

Pixels(px) are used for web

px: pixles
cm: centimeters
mm: millimeters
Q: quarter-millimeters
in: inches
pt: points


Define a length based on another length

em is relative to the font size of an ancestor element

rem is relative to the root element

Keywords Data Type

Function Data Type