
A pointer is a variable that stores a memory address in it
Memory locations are typically addressed using Hexadecimal

Pointer declaration syntax

	PointedType* PointerVariableName
		int* result

As is the case with most other variables when you don’t initialize a pointer it is given a random value which in this case would be a random address in memory that could be pointing to something important so you would typically initialize a pointer to NULL

	int* result = NULL

In order to get the memory address for a specific variable you would need to use the reference operator (&)

In order to get the data stored in a memory address you would need to use the dereference operator (*)

You can use the dereference operator to manipulate the data at the end of the pointer

	int age = 24; 
	int* ptr = &age;
	// ptr is an integer pointer that points to the location in memory that stores 'age'
	*ptr = 30;
	//age would now be 30 because you accessed it through the pointer